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New Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant will benefit over 15,000 residents and Arklow’s tourist industry

Uisce Éireann has recently completed a series of investigative surveys along the North and South Quays in Arklow. The information gathered from these surveys will be used in the design of the wastewater treatment plant, the interceptor sewers and the planning application which will be submitted to An Bord Pleanála in 2017.

The work completed to date includes a number of ecological surveys including bats, water birds surveys as well as the identification of invasive species.

Ground penetrating radar and intrusive site investigations have been carried out along the proposed route of interceptor sewers, as well as structural surveys of the existing Wallboard Factory site.

Uisce Éireann are progressing the architectural and landscape design of the site and will ensure that the design is visually appealing and in-keeping with the requirements of the local community and surrounding landscape. Uisce Éireann will share these preliminary designs in advance of the planning application to ensure that local feedback is incorporated into our plans.

Following the submission of the application for a marine foreshore licence in July 2016, it is expected that the marine site investigation works will begin in early 2017 following the granting of the licence. Further updates will be provided once the licence is granted.

Uisce Éireann is working in partnership with Wicklow County Council to deliver the Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant project which represents an investment of over €30 million by Uisce Éireann and will bring benefits to Arklow in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all.

Currently, untreated wastewater is discharged into the Avoca River which flows through Arklow Town. Uisce Éireann is working to address this unacceptable situation by progressing the Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant Project.

The proposed project will include:

  • A new Wastewater Treatment Plant to treat wastewater for a population equivalent of 36,000
  • Interceptor sewer pipelines along the North and South quays to bring untreated wastewater to the wastewater treatment plant
  • A marine outfall pipe to safely discharge treated effluent to the Irish Sea.

Commenting on the project Michael Tinsley, Infrastructure Portfolio Delivery Manager at Uisce Éireann said "We are pleased to progress the design phase of the Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. This project is vital to address the discharging of untreated wastewater into the River Avoca. We have been engaging with the local community at every stage of this project and will continue to keep them updated throughout the process".

For more information please visit our page on the Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant or email .


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