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Works get underway on new Castletownbere Sewerage Scheme

Uisce Éireann is delighted to announce the commencement of the Castletownbere Sewerage Scheme. The new wastewater treatment plant and sewerage infrastructure to be constructed as part of this scheme will eliminate the discharge of untreated wastewater from Castletownbere into Bantry Bay.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Cork County Council, will invest over €13 million in this project. Once operational, the new plant and associated infrastructure will ensure compliance with wastewater discharge regulations. It will also improve water quality in Bantry Bay and protect recreational waters for swimming, surfing, fishing, boating and sightseeing, as well as protecting the integrity of the local marine environment. 

Glan Agua MEIC Ltd. is working on behalf of Uisce Éireann to deliver this essential project, which will be delivered in compliance with stringent Covid-19 controls. Works on the project are expected to commence towards the end of February 2021 and will take 16 months to complete.

Anthony Kavanagh, Regional Infrastructure Lead with Uisce Éireann, commented on the project, "We are looking forward to delivering this important project on behalf of the local community in Castletownbere. All new infrastructure has been sized to accommodate future population growth and the project will enhance the local environment and provide a platform for social and economic development of the area well into the future."

"The project will involve construction of a new wastewater treatment plant at Drom South, as well as a long marine outfall pipeline that will safely discharge treated wastewater near Doctor's Rock to the south of Castletownbere town. Construction of new sewer pipelines, rising mains and pumping stations will also be required to transport wastewater to and from the new treatment plant in Castletownbere."

"We look forward to working with the local community to deliver this essential project in conjunction with our partners Cork County Council and Glan Agua MEIC Ltd. and eliminating the discharge of untreated wastewater into Bantry Bay."

Uisce Éireann and our appointed Contractor, Glan Agua MEIC Ltd., will be in contact with the local community in Castletownbere in the coming weeks regarding the upcoming works as well as throughout the project. For more details on the project, please check out our Castletownbere Sewerage Scheme project page.

A father and son fishing in the sea

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