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Meter replacement

Uisce Éireann is replacing old meters installed by the Local Authorities with new meters that have AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) technology.

The new meters integrate readings with the Uisce Éireann billing software, providing detailed reporting and analytical functionality. This will allow for more accurate and timely billing for customers.

Why we're replacing meters

Uisce Éireann is replacing those meters that have come to the end of their natural lifespan with new meters that have AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) technology. AMR meters are fitted with transmitters that can send water meter readings to Uisce Éireann vehicles as they "drive by" each property. The new meters integrate readings with the Uisce Éireann billing software, providing detailed reporting and analytical functionality. This in turn will allow for more accurate and timely billing for customers.

This project involves the replacement of 30,000 non domestic meter replacements in Galway City and County, Roscommon and Sligo with a national roll out intended in the longer term. The old meters will be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

How they'll be replaced

The contractor working on behalf of Uisce Éireann who will be replacing your meter will call to you and let you know that they are caring out meter replacement works. You will be notified that meter replacement will be carried out in your area well in advance of the meter replacement. Additionally, 14 days in advance of the meter replacement and again within 2 days of the works commencing in your area. This should give you time to organise your day.

The contractor will need to turn the water off for about 20 minutes during this process. When the replacement has been completed they will again call in and let you know that the water is back on again. This will give you an opportunity to turn off any machinery requiring a water feed.

If the boundary box also needs to be replaced the works may take up to 4 hours but you will still only be without water for about 30 minutes.


The meter replacement is for all non-domestic meters. Therefore, if you are an Uisce Éireann mixed use customer your meter will be replaced.

This programme is for meter replacement only. Old meters that have come to the end of their natural lifespan will be replaced. Billing arrangements will not be affected by this operation.

Your dispute case with Uisce Éireann will be investigated and you will receive a response when the investigation is completed. Old meters that have come to the end of their natural lifespan will be replaced. Billing arrangements will not be affected by this operation.

Uisce Éireann normally reads all business meters. This is important for leak detection, consumption trends and also to ensure more frequent and therefore more accurate billing for the customer (less estimated bills). Uisce Éireann will send out notifications to you before meter replacement works commence. If you have any issues regarding access, location of meter or its boundary box, please contact Uisce Éireann customer service on 1800 278 278. A representative of Uisce Éireann will call to you before the meter is replaced and will explain what needs to be done. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

If you run a business then you should have a business account with Uisce Éireann. Please contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278. Historically, this account would have been with your Local Authority or its agent. Representatives of Uisce Éireann will be carrying out a pre works survey and will call to your premises where they will ask you some basic questions about your premises, your Eircode and to confirm the business owner. Your cooperation would be very much appreciated.

It is best if you are available to speak to the contractor on the day so that the meter can be changed out and checked to make sure it is working properly. If you are not available when the water is being turned on again we may have to leave it off until you return.

Ideally the business owner should be there to allow Uisce Éireann entry to the premises to check the water. If you are not available or you have problems with specific dates and times, please contact us on 0818 778 778 or +353 1 707 2827 (9am-5.30pm, Mon-Fri). You can also e-mail us at and we will make alternative arrangements.


Learn more about how you can take a meter reading and how Uisce Éireann read meters.