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Ways to pay

You can pay your business water services bill in a number of ways.

Pay online

To use our online Pay Now service you will need:

  • A valid Debit or Credit Card
  • Your 10 digit Uisce Éireann account number e.g 8111181111
  • Your Water Point Reference Number (WPRN)

KBC and Ulster Bank Account Holders

If you are a Business account holder with KBC Bank or Ulster Bank and have recently moved your Banking arrangements to a new provider, you can update your direct debit mandate details on our Direct Debit section using your WPRN and 10-digit account number which can be found on your bill. Alternatively, download and complete the Direct Debit mandate form and return to Uisce Éireann, when you have your new bank account details.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail, please contact our customer support team referencing your account number as set out in the top right-hand corner of this letter on 0818 778 778 or +353 1 707 2827. Lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm.

Direct Debit

You can sign up for SEPA Direct Debit online. You will need your:

  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
  • Bank Identifier Code (BIC) 
  • A bank account able to accept Direct Debit requests

Call us on 0818 778 778 or +353 1 707 2827 to set up a Direct Debit by phone.

Non-Republic of Ireland bank accounts
Download and complete the Direct Debit Mandate. Then return to the address provided on the form.

By phone

Pay your bill using a Debit or Credit Card over the phone. Call 0818 778 778 or +353 1 707 2827 and use the 24hr automated service or speak to an Uisce Éireann representative 9am-5.30pm, Mon-Fri.


A My Water account lets you view and pay your bills online. You can also sign up for paperless billing and Direct Debit. Sign in or register for an account.

Other methods



Pay by cash at any retail outlet where you see the Payzone or PostPoint sign, or at any Post Office. Bring your bill which includes a payment slip at the bottom.


Online banking

Pay through your bank's online payment option. Reference your Uisce Éireann account number e.g.8111181111. Uisce Éireann account details: IBAN: IE29 AIBK 9333 8464 3085 94 / BIC: AIBKIE2D


Pay through An Post's online service at using your debit card. Reference your Uisce Éireann account number e.g 8111181111.



Send a cheque made payable to 'Uisce Éireann', to Uisce Éireann, PO Box 448, South City Delivery Office, Cork. Include the payment slip at the bottom of your bill. Do not send cash.

Your account number

Use your 10 digit Uisce Éireann account number e.g. 8111181111, as your reference when making a payment. If you have more than one account, please reference the relevant account number.


Uisce Éireann will not issue receipts for each individual payment. All of your payments will be reflected on your next Uisce Éireann bill.

Customers with payment difficulties

We are committed to working with customers who are experiencing difficulties in paying their water bills. Please contact us to discuss options that may be available to you.


We are committed to working with customers to ensure that a business account holder's water supply is disconnected only as a measure of last resort; when all other methods of arrears repayment have been exhausted. We will only do so in the following instances

  • Failure to pay a bill relating to the supply of water/wastewater services,
  • Upon request of the account holder,
  • No registered occupant at the property has been established after attempts to determine occupancy /ownership,
  • Where the customer has entered into a payment plan and that customer fails to honour that plan.

For the avoidance of doubt a premise shall not be disconnected where this would involve another customer being disconnected.  As a minimum, Uisce Éireann will issue at least one direct notice in writing at least 5 working days in advance of carrying out a disconnection.  No disconnections will be carried out on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, eve of a Public Holiday or a Public Holiday.

Settlement of arrears and reconnection

Where an account holder has had supply disconnected due to outstanding debt and subsequently reached a settlement with us through a payment plan or payment in full, the account holder shall be entitled to have normal supply restored. We are committed to ensuring the restoration of supply within two working days, subject to operational capacity.

More details on disconnections and other customer commitments can be found in our Customer Commitment page

Make an enquiry

Contact us with your business water account questions.