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Galway County Council Area

Uisce Éireann's prices are based on the information provided by your Local Authority and are effective from 1st January 2014. Uisce Éireann has made every effort to ensure that prices were correct at time of publishing.

Standing Charge (per annum)

Supply Pipe Diameter Price €
Up to and including 40mm €88
Between 40mm and 100mm €211.41
Greater than 100mm €528.75
Multiple connections for 2nd and subsequent meters up to and including 25mm €35 (No charge after 3rd meter)
*In the event of a customer having multiple meters the total fixed charge will not be greater than 180% of the charge on the first meter.  

Volumetric Charges

Type Price €
Water Supply m³ €1.19
Wastewater Services m³ €1.26
Combined m³ €2.45

Domestic Allowance (per annum)

227.30m³ This is the standard domestic allowance for mixed use premises.
Business charges apply to the water you use over this allowance.

Unmetered Charges

Premises Type Water Charges Combined
All premises €550 €590

Ways to pay

Payments must be made directly to Uisce Éireann (not your Local Authority). You can pay your business water services bill in a number of ways.