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Decision making

Decision making process for major policy proposals.

Policy proposals

All major policy proposals for Uisce Éireann are subject to the approval of the CRU who undertakes public consultation exercises before making a decision to approve with or without amendments. Key policy decisions also require the input, and in some cases the approval, of Government departments including the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Uisce Éireann submissions are published on the CRU website.

Uisce Éireann actively consults and engages directly on an ongoing basis with the National Water Forum/An Fóram Uisce which was established in 2017 to provide a platform for public engagement on matters relating to water as an environmental, social and economic resource.

Uisce Éireann also consults with stakeholders and undertakes public consultations, both statutory and non-statutory, to provide information on proposed projects and to seek the views of interested parties on what they consider should be considered by Uisce Éireann in developing the solution.

In accordance with legislation, Uisce Éireann also carries out Strategic Environmental Assessments ("SEA"), Appropriate Assessments ("AA") and Environmental Impact Assessments ("EIA") on projects that are above the statutory thresholds in the relevant regulations.

Uisce Éireann is also required to apply for planning permission in respect of development under the Planning and Development Regulations either to the Planning Authority for the area in which the development is to take place or to An Bord Pleanála for Strategic Infrastructure as defined in the Regulations. Further information on public consultations carried out by Uisce Éireann is available on our plans page.

Reports on our operations and revenue control

For Uisce Éireann's Financial Statements since 2014, visit our financial information page. 

Reward structure

A new market based reward structure was agreed and implemented in Bord Gáis Éireann (now Ervia) in 2013, following negotiations, under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission (the "LRC"), with the Group of Unions (GOU) and a ballot of all staff. The new structure represented a fundamental change for all employees, a move away from a traditional time served increment-based model to a market and performance based model and included considerable cost savings. The most significant changes included:

  • Requirement for all pay ranges to be benchmarked externally
  • End of automatic pay progression to a model based on performance and market position
  • End of emphasis on fixed pay in favour of an element of pay at risk
  • Robust performance management for all employees
  • A pay freeze until 2016

The pay model will apply in Uisce Éireann from 2017. The pay model provides for an element of performance related pay which is common in private companies and other commercial semi state companies in Ireland. An individual's performance related pay is based on three key elements: the performance of Ervia as a whole; the performance of their business unit within Ervia; and the individual's performance. This approach links an individual's performance to their business unit and to the performance of Ervia as a company. It builds the sense of teamwork and focus on whole company performance.

In early 2015, the Board of Ervia commissioned an independent review of the pay model which was carried out by reward experts AON/&Ampersand. The report which was issued in September 2015 confirms that the pay model delivers value for money and sustainability. Specifically it provides appropriate controls and robust management of pay levels, does not encourage or enable excessively high levels of pay within Ervia and the link between pay and performance is appropriate to encourage a high performance culture.

Board decisions

From a governance perspective, prior to the legal separation of Uisce Éireann from the Ervia Group on 1 January 2023, Uisce Éireann matters were overseen by both the Uisce Éireann Board and the Ervia Board.

Board Meeting dated 30 January 2024

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the Strategic Funding Plan for submission to the Minister;
  • Approve the external auditor fees in respect of the audit of financial year 2023;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for a multi supplier framework for the provision of IT infrastructure;
  • Approve an increase in the internal budget of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades (Contract 2) Framework call off contracts;
  • Approve the Virginia Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade;
  • Approve a revised interim internal budget for the Water Supply Project-Eastern and Midlands Region;
  • Approve an extension to the portfolio of design and build contracts expiring 2024 - 2026; and
  • Approve the 2023 Business Performance (Balance Scorecard), Performance Appraisal and Performance Related Awards.
Board Meeting dated 27 February 2024

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve phase 2 of the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility;
  • Approve a revised internal budget for the Midleton (Water Rock Lihaf) Wastewater Network Project;
  • Approve a capital budget and award of design build operate contract for the Carrickmacross WWTP phase 2 project;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the Castletroy WWTP upgrade project;
  • Approve the submission to the Department of the 2023 draft unaudited financial statements; and
  • Approve the UÉ Transformation Programme budget and increase in the internal budgetary value allocated to the Multi-supplier Framework for the Provision of IT Services.
Board Meeting dated 23 April 2024

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve formal submission of the RC3 Look Back proposals to the CRU;
  • Approve the release for statutory and public consultation of the Draft Water Services Strategic Plan 2050, associated Strategic Environmental Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement;
  • Approve the adoption of the revised  Uisce Éireann Constitution;
  • Approve next steps in respect of implementation of the Dublin Office strategic plan;
  • Grant AG0 approval for the  Ballymore Eustace to Saggart Resilienc Project;
  • Approve entering a lease with Dublin Port Company for a construction compound at South Bank Road;
  • Approve the appointment of the Infrastructure Delivery Director and the associated remuneration terms and conditions of this appointment;
  • Approve changes to the remuneration of the direct reports of the Chief Executive Officer, effective from 1st January 2024, in line with the terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee; and
  • Approve the submission of a revised ministerial consent request seeking budgetary changes for the Water Supply Project – Eastern & Midlands Region.

Board meeting dated 31 January 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve proceeding to tender for a single supplier framework for the provision of insurance broking for Uisce Eireann's General and Financial Lines Insurance Programmes;
  • Approve the establishment of the Uisce Éireann Transformation Programme Committee and approve the Terms of Reference of said Committee;
  • Approve the establishment of the Uisce Éireann Audit and Risk Committee and approve the Terms of Reference of said Committee;
  • Approve the Terms of Reference of the Uisce Éireann Investment, Infrastructure and Sustainability Committee;
  • Approve the Terms of Reference of the Uisce Éireann Remuneration Committee;
  • Approve the 2022 business performance, performance appraisal and performance related awards;
  • Approve the performance related awards for the Executive Management Team for the 2022 performance year.
Board meeting dated 28 February 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the appointment of  persons authorised to execute any legal instrument under seal on behalf of Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve a budget for the Invest to Outcome Digital Configuration 2 Project;
  • Adopt the final Regional Water Resources Plan South West, Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement and Appropriate Assessment Determination;
  • Approve a capital budget and award of Design Build contract for the Duleek to Navan Water Supply Project;
  • Approve the 2023 balanced scorecard metrics; and
  • Approve the submission of the draft 2022 unaudited financial statements for Uisce Éireann to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Board meeting dated 28 March 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the submission of the Water Supply Project Preliminary Business Case to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities and NewEra for their consideration;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for a multi-supplier framework for the provisions of Minor MEICA works and to increase the approved value of the existing framework;
  • Approve value increases for the Regional New Connections framework and the Water Network Management Services and Works framework;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for a single supplier framework for the supply of electricity to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve an increase to the Uisce Éireann Transformation Programme budget;
  • Approve an amendment to the draft Master Co-operation Agreement with local authorities to allow for the Support Services Agreements to be signed after the Effective Date;
  • Approve the 2022 Uisce Éireann Annual Report and Financial Statements, Letter of Representation and the Chairman's letter to the Minister; and
  • Approve the appointment of an external auditor.
Board meeting dated 25 April 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve an increase in the internal budgetary value allocated to the framework for the provision of Business Change Professional Services;
  • Approve the awarding of a multi supplier framework for supply of water and wastewater treatment chemicals;
  • Approve the value uplift and time extension for a dynamic purchasing system of supply of Plant Hire to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve a multi-supplier framework for the provision of Water and Wastewater Network Services and Works to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve the upgrade of the Kenmare Wastewater Treatment Plant;
  • Approve an amendment to the terms of reference for the Uisce Éireann Transformation Programme committee.
Board meeting dated 30 May 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve an amendment to the fee for the Audit tender;
  • Approve an increase to the internal budgetary value allocated to the framework for the provision of IT services;
  • Approve an increase to the internal budgetary value allocated to the framework for the procurement of IT Infrastructure;
  • Approve an increase to the internal budgetary value allocated to  the framework for the provision of engineering design services;
  • And approve the revised project budget & award contract for the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility project.
Board meeting dated 20 June 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the submission of the draft Business and Financial Plan (2024) to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government in accordance with the requirements of provision 1.16 of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies;
  • Approve the submission of the final Opex allowance for 2024 under the RC3 re-opener provision to the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities;
  • Approve the submission of the Non-Domestic and Trade Effluent Tariff Design proposal papers to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities;
  • Approve the extension of the contract for the provision of the Colocation Data Centre Services;
  • Approve an increase in the internal budgetary value of the Multi Supplier Recruitment Services framework;
  • Approve the capital budget for the End User Compute Project;
  • Approve an increase in the internal budgetary value of the Single Supplier Framework for the Provision of IT Application, Support and Development Services ;
  • Approve an increase in the internal budgetary   value of the Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Subject Matter Expertise and Program and Project Management Services for Telemetry, SCADA and Real-Time Systems;
  • Approve submission of a PBC Addendum Report, regarding the Water Supply Project for the Eastern and Midlands Region, to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities and NewEra for their consideration;
  • Approve the cumulative capital budget for the Water Supply Project for the Eastern and Midlands Region; and
  • Approve the release for statutory public consultation of the Regional Water Resources Plan South-East.
Board meeting dated 18 July 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve a donation of containerised water treatment plants and bottled water to the Ukrainian humanitarian response;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Transformation Programme Business Case and Target Operating Model; and
  • Approve a change to the internal budgetary value of the Uisce Éireann Transformation Programme.
Board meeting dated 25 July 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve updates to the Regional Water Resources Plan North-West and adopt the Regional Water Resources Plan North-West, the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Determination;
  • Approve proceeding to public consultation on an Issues Paper, an Appropriate Assessment Screening and scoping for the Strategic Environmental Assessment report for the Water Services Strategic Plan 2050;
  • Approve the award of a single supplier framework for the supply of electricity to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve a capital budget increase for the Growth and Development Programme;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Macroom Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project;
  • Approve the awarding of a DBO Contract for Wastewater Sewerage Scheme projects at Kilmacrennan, Carrigart and Mountcharles, Co. Donegal;
  • Approve the awarding of multi supplier framework agreement for the provision of Infrastructure Delivery Support services;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Ringsend WWTP Upgrade Project; and
  • Approve the extension and increase in the internal budgetary value of the Cork Lower Harbour and Vartry WTP DBO contracts.
Board meeting dated 26 September 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the awarding of a multi supplier contract for the provision of Treated Water Storage and Water Rationalisation Services;
  • Approve a lease for a new Uisce Éireann depot in Naas, Kildare;
  • Approve the awarding of a single supplier framework agreement for the provision of IT support, maintenance, and development services, and to increase the internal budgetary value of the existing framework; and
  • Approve the Terms of Reference for the Uisce Éireann Audit and Risk Committee.
Board Meeting dated 24 October 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve amendments to the Uisce Éireann Treasury Policy (PD40);
  • Approve the awarding of a single supplier framework agreement for the provision of Insurance Broking Services for Uisce Éireann's general and financial lines insurance programme;
  • Approve the awarding of the multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of Brand Strategy and Design Services to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve an increase in the internal budgetary value of the 2023 Capital Maintenance Programme;
  • Approve the Framework Value Increase for Water Network Management Services Framework; and
  • Approve the Enterprise Risk Management Policy PD66.
Board Meeting dated 28 November 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve Uisce Éireann's 'Work Safe Home Safe' 3 Year Strategic Plan;
  • Approve amendments to the Uisce Éireann Expenditure and Contract Approval Policy (PD03);
  • Approve the 2024 Budget;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Transformation Property Strategy;
  • Approve the capital budget for  the 2024 Capital Maintenance Programme;
  • Approve the capital budget for the 2024 Leakage Reduction Programme;
  • Approve the capital budget for the Ballyjamesduff Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade;
  • Approve the Award of the Call Off Contracts for the Provision of Wastewater Network Surveys for the DAP Programme;
  • Approve a contract variation to the design, build and operational (DBO)contract for the Wicklow Sludge Satellite Dewatering Centre Project;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the Trim Water Supply Zone Project;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the Drumconrath Water Supply Scheme Project;
  • Approve to extend and increase the Dundalk and Drogheda DBO contract;
  • Approve non-material amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Uisce Éireann Remuneration Committee;
  • Approve non-material amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Uisce Éireann Transformation Programme Committee; and
  • Approve an increase to the internal budgetary value of  the Framework for the Provision of Business Change Professional Services for the UÉT Programme.
Board Meeting dated 12 December 2023

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the revised UÉ Governance Framework;
  • Approve the Terms of Reference of the Uisce Éireann Board;
  • Approve the delegations of authority in respect of the exercise by Uisce Éireann of certain functions under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977 and 1990 and the Water Services Act 2007 (As Amended);
  • Approve the adoption of National Water Resources Plan Final Regional Water Resources Plan - South-East, Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement and Appropriate Assessment Determination;
  • Approve the 2024 Annual Capital Commitments consent request;
  • Approve the 2024 Operational Technology Cyber Remediation Programme Budget;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the Clonmel Water Supply Project;
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigation works for Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve an uplift to the internal budgetary value of the panel agreement for the provision of Legal Services;
  • Approve an amendment to the Uisce Éireann Infrastructure, Investment and Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference; and
  • Approve the Directors Compliance Matrix.

Board Meeting dated 21 January 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the Courtmachserry and Timoleague Sewerage Scheme Gate 4 project report;
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the Design Build contract for the Athlone main drainage scheme project;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Rathvilly Water Treatment Plant upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Stamullen Wastewater Treatment Plant project; and
  • Approve proceeding to tender stage for a single supplier framework for the supply of electricity to Uisce Éireann.
Board Meeting dated 18 February 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the 2022 Balanced Scorecard;
  • Approve the 2022 safety Balanced Scorecard;
  • Approve the submission of the 2021 Uisce Éireann draft unaudited financial statements to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage;
  • Approve proceeding to tender to establish regional contracts for Water Treatment Plant upgrades;
  • Approve the Gate 4 project closure report for the Kerry Central Regional Water Supply Scheme Project; and
  • Approve the termination of a legacy charging arrangement with a significant industrial customer.
Board Meeting dated 25 March 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the completion of the rent review process for Uisce Éireann's office in Colvill House, Dublin 1;
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of an employer design contract for the National Laboratory project;
  • Approve a capital budget and award of a Design and Build contract for Terryland Water Treatment Plant Intake and Transfer Main;
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Early Contractor Involvement Programme contracts from the Major Process and MEICA Framework;
  • Approve an increase in the contract value for the wastewater treatment plant upgrades contracts from the Minor MEICA Framework;
  • Approve updates to future Uisce Éireann capital infrastructure contracts
  • Approve making a determination that two agreements constitute a legacy charging arrangement and, as such, that the rights and liabilities set out in such agreements have transferred to Uisce Éireann.
Board Meeting dated 28 March 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2021 Letter of Representation;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2021 financial statements;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2021 Annual Report.
Board Meeting dated 22 April 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • The submission of the draft Uisce Éireann strategic plan to the relevant Ministers and NewERA as part of the draft annual rolling five year business and financial plan;
  • Approve the cumulative capital budget for the Water Supply Project - East And Midlands Region;
  • Approve the entering into negotiations with impacted Local Authorities for a Water Supply Project community gain proposal, subject to Ervia Board approval;
  • Approve the Ballymore Eustace Sludge Water Treatment Plant sludge upgrade - Gate 4 project closure report;
  • Approve a capital budget, and the award of a Design Build and Operate contract, for the Rathmullan, Milford and Ramelton Wastewater Treatment Plant project;
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Early Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision of Site Investigation Works;
  • Approve the delegated authority for the termination of Roadbridge Limited contracts; and
  • Approve a capital budget for the Midleton (Water Rock LIHAF) Wastewater network project.
Board Meeting dated 25 April 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Whitegate Aghada Wastewater Treatment Plant;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Leixlip Phase 2 upgrade project; and
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Rathvilly Water Treatment Plant upgrade project.
Board Meeting dated 24 May 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the donation of two existing Containerised Water Treatment Plants to Ukrainian authorities via the European Emergency Response Co-ordination Centre in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
Board Meeting dated 26 May 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the finalisation and adoption of the Regional Water Resources Plan - Eastern and Midlands region by Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve the release of the of the draft 'Regional Water Resources Plan - South-West region' for statutory public consultation;
  • Approve the early termination of the lease for the Uisce Éireann offices at 110 Amiens Street;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Castletownshend Wastewater Treatment Plant;
  • Approve proceeding to tender for a multi-supplier framework for the provision of Project Management Office resources to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve interim AG4 Programme Completion Reports;
  • Approve a debt amendment for an account related to a local authority;
  • Approve the form and the entry into by Uisce Éireann of the Uisce Éireann Pension Documents, and the submission by Ervia of requests for consent to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform; and
  • Approve an amendment to the Uisce Éireann Annual Report and to the Chairman's Comprehensive Report to the Minister on Uisce Éireann.
Board Meeting dated 24 June 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the submission of the draft Uisce Éireann Business and Financial Plan 2022- 2026 to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and NewERA;
  • Approve the submission of the Uisce Éireann 2021 Capital Investment Plan Monitoring Report to the CRU;
  • Approve a procedure for making of compulsory purchase orders and notices under Section 97 of Water Services Act 2007;
  • Approve a capital budget for the purchase of Uisce Éireann fleet;
  • Approve a Gate AG4 strategic watermain link between Leixlip and Saggart;
  • Approve an interim capital budget and award of contract for the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project;
  • Approve an award of a multi-supplier framework for supply of water and wastewater treatment chemicals;
  • Approve a design build and operate contract variation for the Aughrim Annacurra Water Supply Scheme project;
  • Approve an approach to funding the Water Supply Project - Eastern & Midlands Region in the period prior to AG1; and
  • Approve an interim capital budget for the Water Supply Project -Eastern & Midlands Region.
Board Meeting dated 22 July 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the temporary increase in the National Treasury Management Agency's counterparty limit;
  • Approve the extension, increase, separation and novation of the Ervia Framework for Audit, Taxation and Related Services to Uisce Éireann and Gas Networks Ireland/Ervia;
  • Approve the capital budget for the Enfield Wastewater Treatment Plant project;
  • Approve the award of a multi supplier framework for the provision of major process and MEICA including associated civil engineering works;
  • Approve the Capital Budget and award of Design Build Contract for the Windmill Hill Reservoir and Trunkmain to Ratoath Project;
  • Approve the award of Regional Call Off Contracts from the Multi Supplier Framework for the provision of Sewer Rehabilitation and Civil Engineering works, including a corresponding budget increase;
  • Approve the capital budget and award of construction contract for the Bandon to Clonakilty Trunkmain;
  • Approve the capital budget and the Design, Build and Operate contract for the Ballina and Newport (Tipperary) Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Bundle;
  • Approve the 2022 capital budget uplift for the Uisce Éireann Leakage Reduction Programme;
  • Approve the award and framework drawdown contracts for the provision of Engineering Service Provider Technical Services;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Vision and Purpose Statements; and
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Revenue Control 3 submission to the CRU.
Board Meeting dated 25 August 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve matters in connection with the prohibiting or restricting of water usage in the West Cork Area in accordance with the powers of the Company.
Board Meeting dated 22 September 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve an additional statutory audit fee for Uisce Éireann for each of the financial years 2022 and 2023;
  • Approve an interim capital budget and award of contract for the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Athenry Sewerage Scheme network upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the Design, Build and Operate contract for the Bagenalstown Wastewater Treatment Plant project;
  • Approval of capital budget and award of contract for Buncrana and Ballybofey Wastewater Network Upgrade projects;
  • Approve a contract uplift and noting of budget exceedance for the Bandon Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project;
  • Approve a contract uplift and noting of budget exceedance for the Arthurstown, Ballyhack and Duncannon Sewerage Scheme project;
  • Adopt the Regional Water Resources Plan - Eastern and Midlands Region;
  • Approve the extension and increase in value of the Foxes Den Water Treatment Plant Design Build and Operate contract;
  • Approve the award of a multi supplier framework for the provision of Sludge and Waste Management Services;
  • Note the amendments to the Regional New Connections Framework rates; and
  • Approve the formal appointment of Richard O' Sullivan as the Company Secretary of Uisce Éireann.
Board Meeting dated 30 September 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Formally adopt the final Regional Water Resources Plan Eastern and Midlands, Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement and Appropriate Assessment Determination.
Board Meeting dated 21 October 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve an initial Uisce Éireann Transformation programme budget;
  • Approve the adoption of the NewERA Climate Action framework;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Ballymore Eustace Water Treatment Plant filter 1-10 upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Newtown Water Treatment Plant upgrade project;
  • Approve a design build operate contract variation for Cahir Wastewater Treatment Plant Project;
  • Approve the award of multi supplier framework agreements for the provision of laboratory services to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve the release for statutory public consultation of the Regional Water Resources Plan North-West in November 2022;
  • Approve the Cork Lower Harbour Gate 4 project closure report;
  • Approve the Donegal countywide watermain rehabilitation contract project closure report (AG4);
  • Approve a wrap around payment agreement and the compensation payment associated with Project 23 pension arrangements;
  • Approve the adoption of the amended Uisce Éireann Constitutions.
Board Meeting dated 25 November 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the 2023 budget for Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve a capital budget for the capital maintenance programme for 2023;
  • Approve a capital commitments value for 2023;
  • Approve the award of regional call-off contracts from the Minor MEICA framework for the provision of electrical upgrade services;
  • Approve the Oracle Master Services agreement;
  • Approve proceeding to tender for the single supplier IT managed services framework;
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Environmental Information Management Solution framework;
  • Approve the separation and novation of the Ervia legal services and the Ervia insurance group financial lines framework agreements and contract values to each of Uisce Éireann and Ervia/Gas Networks Ireland; and
  • Approve a number of corporate policies in advance of legal separation.
Board meeting dated 9 December 2022

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve a capital commitments value for Uisce Éireann for 2023;
  • Approve Uisce Éireann's entry into a Master Co-operation Agreement with each of the 31 Local Authorities;
  • Approve the completion of a post consultation report for the Regional Water Resources Plan for the South-West;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann Leakage Reduction Programme for 2023;
  • Approve a capital budget for various Uisce Éireann capital programmes for 2023;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Growth and Development Programme for 2023;
  • Approve a capital budget for the construction of the Ballycotton Wastewater Treatment Plant new build project;
  • Approve the award of the Regional Water Treatment Plant Upgrades work order contracts from the Minor MEICA Framework contracts;
  • Approve the award of framework contracts for the Activated Sludge Control Programme 2022 - 2024;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Board Terms of Reference;
  • Approve the establishment of the Uisce Éireann Investment, Infrastructure and Sustainability Committee;
  • Approve the establishment of the Uisce Éireann Remuneration Committee;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Governance Framework; and
  • Approve the Protected Disclosures policy for Uisce Éireann.

Board Meeting dated 25 January 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve and consent to the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann and BNP Paribas, Dublin Branch;
  • Approve and consent to the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Danske Bank A/S;
  • Approve the rent review for the 3rd Floor of 5 Harbourmaster Place, Dublin 1 and the exercising of a break option;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Tullow Sewerage Scheme Upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget increase for the National Water Resources Plan (Phase 2);
  • Approve contract amendments for the Saggart Reservoir, Arthurstown Duncannon Ballyhack Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility;
  • Approve the Final Capital Stimulus report;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Sustainability and Biodiversity strategies.
Board Meeting dated 18 February 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the development of a Project 23 Pension option;
  • Approve the draft 2020 unaudited Financial Statements;
  • Approve the updated group Treasury Policy;
  • Approve the Capital Maintenance Gate 4 programme 2017 - 2019;
  • Approve  an amendment to the award party for the Phosphorous Fixation contract;
  • Approve a contract approval amendment to Arthurstown, Duncannon, and Ballyhack Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Board Meeting dated 26 March 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve a new working Capital Loan facility for Uisce Éireann provided by the National Treasury Management Agency;
  • Approve proceeding to tender for a multi-supplier Framework for the supply of water and wastewater chemicals;
  • Approve the finalisation and adoption by Uisce Éireann of the final National Water Resources Plan Framework Plan;
  • Approve the submission of the Water Supply Project draft preliminary business case to the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage;
  • Approve the submission of business cases for Kilkenny regional Water Supply Scheme project and Roscommon Main Drainage Scheme project to the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage;
  • Note an interim capital budget uplift for Arklow Wastewater Treatment Plant project;
  • Approve an increase in the capital budget for the Balbriggan Skerries Network Improvement Scheme (Rush Road Pump Station);
  • Approve the Donegal Wastewater Treatment Plant post project review;
  • Approve an appointment of a Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR).
Board Meeting dated 29 March 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2020 Letter of Representation;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2020 Financial Statements;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2020 Annual Report.
Board Meeting dated 26 April 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant interim capital budget and award of contract;
  • Approve the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant preliminary business case;
  • Approve the Omeath Wastewater Treatment Plan capital budget;
  • Approve a lease renewal between Uisce Éireann and Cavan Innovation and Technology Centre;
  • Approve the execution of a funding proposal for the Uisce Éireann Defined Benefit Scheme.
Board Meeting dated 24 May 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the award of the multi-party framework for the provision of insurance broking services for an Owner Controlled Insurance Programme to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve the amendment and assigning of Ervia Frameworks and Contracts to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve an increase in construction contract value for the Howth, Balbriggan and Malahide Water Supply bundle;
  • Approve an increase of construction contract value and noting of capital budget increase for the Tuam Regional Supply project;
  • Approve an increase in the capital budget for the upgrade of the Balbriggan Skerries network improvement scheme;
  • Approve the 2020 Asset Delivery Capital Programmes Annual Interim Gate 4 report;
  • Approve the 2020 Interim Leakage Reduction Programme Gate 4 report;
  • Approve an extension of the Water Network Management Services and Works contract;
  • Approve the proceeding to tender for Milford, Ramelton and Rathmullan Waste Water Treatment Plant project;
  • Approve the final business case for Arklow Waste Water Treatment plant;
  • The appointment of the Uisce Éireann, Chief Technical and Safety Advisor, as the appropriate person from an Uisce Éireann perspective, in respect of Appropriate Assessment screening determinations and Appropriate Assessment determinations;
  • Approve the adoption and publication of the National Water Resources Plan Final Framework Plan, Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement and Appropriate Assessment Determination as well as the publication of the post consultation report on the Uisce Éireann website.
  • Approve the execution of a funding proposal for the Uisce Éireann Defined Benefit Scheme.
Board Meeting of Uisce Éireann dated 24 June 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the provision of a Public Relations framework for Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve an extension to the Term of Appointment of the External Auditor;
  • Approve the award of a Multi-supplier framework for the provision of an Enterprise Mobile Application and Mobility Management Service;
  • Approve an increase in the design build and operate contract value for the Drogheda and Dundalk Water Supply project;
  • Approve proceeding to tender for the Duleek to Navan Water Supply scheme;
  • Approve the commencement of a tender process for the Major MEICA framework;
  • Approve the commencement of a tender process for the Water and Wastewater Network Services and Works framework;
  • Approve an increase in the value of the 2014 Minor Civil Engineering framework agreement;
  • Approve the interim capital budget and approval to issue notices to treat for the Greater Dublin Drainage project.
Board Meeting of Uisce Éireann dated 23 July 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve an increase to the framework for the provision of IT application support and development services.
  • Approve  additional capital commitments and award of construction contract for Regional Bio solids Storage Facility project.
  • Approve the Regional Bio solids Storage Facility project final business case.
  • Approve  an increase in value of the contract for engineering/planning services for the Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands region.
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the provision of sludge and waste management services to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve the Nenagh multi utility gate 4 project report. 
  • Approve a capital budget for Kilmore quay Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • Approve a capital budget for Kilrush Water Treatment Plant- new build.  
  • Approve a contract value increase and noting of capital budget increase for the upgrade of Liscarton water treatment plant.
  • Approve a budget and capital contract value increase the Clare RAL upgrade works.
  • Approve a revised constitution for Uisce Éireann.
Board Meeting of Uisce Éireann dated 23 September 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Business and Financial Plan 2021 - 2025.
  • Approve a compensation mechanism in respect of transfer of pension arrangements from Ervia to Uisce Éireann in connection with Project 23.
  • Approve the Project 23 property separation strategy proposed assignment of the Webworks lease by Ervia to Uisce Éireann in connection with Project 23.
  • Approve the award of multi-supplier framework agreements for the provision of telecommunication services for Uisce Éireann.
  • Approve the capital commitments 2022 budget for Uisce Éireann.
  • Approve an increase in the construction contract value and noting of capital exceedance for the Osberstown Sludge hub project.
  • Approve an increase in the capital budget for the Upper Liffey Valley sewerage scheme and an increase in the construction contract value.
  • Approve the award of framework contracts for the provision of capital controls and reporting services to Uisce Éireann and value increase of the existing framework.
Board Meeting of Uisce Éireann dated 1 November 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve that a manager's order is a Legacy Charging Arrangement in respect of a significant industrial customer;
  • Approve the Nenagh Multi Utility Gate 4 Project report;
  • Approve the release for Public Consultation of the Regional Water Resources Plan Eastern and Midlands region;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the Ringsend sludge line enhancement contract;
  • Approve to proceed to tender for the Maynooth transfer pipeline project;
  • Approve a revised Uisce Éireann 2022 Capital Commitments budget;
  • Approve a 2021 uplift and 2022 Capital Budget for the Uisce Éireann Capital Maintenance Programme;
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2022 Growth & Development Programme annual budget;
  • Approve the 2022 Capital Budget for Uisce Éireann Capital Programmes;
  • Approve a 2021 uplift and 2022 Capital Budget for the Uisce Éireann Leakage Reduction Programme.
Board Meeting of Uisce Éireann dated 26 November 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Confirm that it reviewed the Risk Management Framework in place within Uisce Éireann for 2021 and set the Risk Appetite for 2021.
  • Approve the revised Enterprise Risk Management Policy.
  • Approve the Budget for 2022.
  • Approve the rent review between Ervia and Uisce Éireann for the Foley Street office.
  • Approve a capital budget uplift for the Uisce Éireann National Water Resources Plan.
  • Approve a contract value uplift and noting a capital budget increase for an upgrade of Birr & Tullamore Water Supply Schemes.
  • Approve a contract value uplift and noting a capital budget increase for the upgrade of Gorey Water Supply Scheme.
  • Approve a design build and operate contract award for the Portloman Water Treatment Plant Project.
  • Approve a revised capital budget and contract value increase for the Old Connaught-Woodbrook Water Supply Scheme project,
  • Approve a revised Constitution for Uisce Éireann.
Board Meeting of Uisce Éireann dated 10 December 2021

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve an uncommitted overdraft facility between Uisce Éireann and Allied Irish Banks plc;
  • Approve the amendment of the Constitution of Uisce Éireann; and
  • Approve amendments to the Ervia Group Expenditure and Contract Approval Policy, the Ervia Treasury Policy  and the Ervia Governance Framework.

The following summaries detail the decisions taken by the Board of Uisce Éireann in 2020

Board Meeting dated 27 January 2020
  • Proceed with a Public Information Notice (PIN) for the Client Team for the Water Supply Project

  • Approve of and consent to the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann and BNP Paribas, Dublin Branch

  • Approve of and consent to the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Danske Bank A/S

  • Approve a capital budget and the award of Design Build contract for the provision of additional regional trunk watermain from Ballycoolen reservoir to North County Dublin

  • Approve an increase in the DBO contract value for Ballymore Eustace - Mechanical and Electrical Sludge Treatment facilities

  • Approve the award of a single-supplier framework for the provision of manned guarding and related services to Uisce Éireann

​Board Meeting dated 24 February 2020
  • Approve the submission of the 2019 Uisce Éireann unaudited financial statements to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework for the provision of meter reading services to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund, the Major Urban Housing Development Sites and the Network Extension Programme
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Environmental Information Management Solution framework
​Board Meeting dated 18 March 2020
  • Approve an increase to the framework value for the provision of contact centre services to Uisce Éireann

​Board Meeting dated 26 March 2020
  • Approve the award of the frameworks for the provision of advertising services and media planning and buying services
  • Approve an increase in the value of the framework for the provision of Subject Matter Expertise and Project Management Services for telemetry, SCADA and real-time systems programmes
  • Approve the continued use of a dynamic purchasing system for supply of plant hire to Uisce Éireann;
  • Approve of and consent to the extension of a revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with HSBC France, Dublin Branch
​Board Meeting dated 30 March 2020
  • Approve the Letter of Representation in respect of the Uisce Éireann 2019 financial statements

  • Approve the Uisce Éireann financial statements and Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2019

​Board Meeting dated 27 April 2020
  • Approve the award of a single supplier framework for the provision of electricity supply to the Ervia group

​Board Meeting dated 25 May 2020
  • Approve the award of the frameworks for the provision of Advertising Services and Media Planning and Buying services
  • Approve phase 2 of the replacement of Uisce Éireann's commercial borrowings with new government funding
  • Approve an interim capital budget, contract award and contract value increases in respect of the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project
  • Approve the award of  frameworks for the provision of Customer Case Management services and of Legal services to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve the award of a single-supplier framework for the provision of Print Fulfilment services to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve the temporary adjustment of the minimum construction contract retention threshold associated with contractor cashflow management
  • Approve the post project review of the Youghal Waste Water Treatment Plant;
  • Approve the post project review of Leakage Reduction Programme
  • Approve the award of a multi supplier framework for the provision of Engineering Design Services to Uisce Éireann
​Board Meeting dated 5 June 2020
  • Approve an order ('the Order') pursuant to Section 56(16) of the Water Services Act 2007 prohibiting and / or restricting the use of water in the State
  • Approve the publication of a Notice advising of the publication of that Order
Board Meeting dated 29 June 2020
  • Approve additional capital commitments and the award of a construction contract for the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility project;

  • Approve an increase in the value of the contract for engineering/planning services for the Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands Region;

  • Approve an increase in the contract value for the strategic watermain link between Leixlip and Saggart;

  • Approve the post project review in relation to the Lough Mask project;

  • Approve the post project review of Burncourt Fethard Water Supply Project (Gate 4);

  • Approve an amendment of the Uisce Éireann annual return date;

  • Approve the execution of an Option Agreement and any ancillary documentation associated with the lease of Cork premises.

Board Meeting dated 8 July 2020
  • Approve the rescission of the 8 June 2020 Order prohibiting and / or restricting the use of water in the State, at 17:00 on 8 July 2020 and before its stated date for expiration of 00.01 on 21 July 2020.

Board Meeting dated 27 July 2020
Approve an increase in the capital budget and an increase in construction contract value for the Bandon Watermain and Sewer Network Upgrade Project
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework for the provision of water services repair and maintenance works to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve a capital budget overspend on the Uisce Éireann Capital Programmes 2017-2019;
  • Approve the Gate 4 post project review report for the Uisce Éireann Capital Programmes 2017-2019;
  • note the Gate 4 post project review report for the Rush sewerage project.
Board Meeting dated 28 September 2020
  • Approve the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Barclays Bank Ireland plc;

  • The submission of the Uisce Éireann Strategic Funding Plan 2020-2024 to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage;

  • Approve an interim capital budget for the Water Supply Project - Eastern and Midlands Region;

  • Approve an increase in the 2020 capital budgets for the Leakage Reduction Programme and for the Capital Maintenance Programme;

  • Approve the termination of the Fermoy and Mallow wastewater works Operations and Maintenance contract;

  • Approve certain matters related to the ongoing management of Covid-19;

  • Approve the issuance and signing of notices under section 70 of the Water Services Act 2007.

Board Meeting dated 19 October 2020
  • Approve the submission of a Ringsend Waste Water Treatment Plant Program report to Government and to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform;

  • Approve the reallocation of an approved framework value between the current Minor MEICA framework and the previous framework;

  • Approve a revised Ervia Enterprise Risk Management policy;

  • Approve the 2020 Ervia Risk Appetite.

Board Meeting dated 23 November 2020
  • Approve the letter of engagement in respect of the audit of Uisce Éireann's Statutory Financial Statements policy;

  • Approve the 2021 budget for Uisce Éireann;

  • Approve and consent to the extension of a revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Ulster Bank Ireland DAC;

  • Approve a proposed pricing structure for a large water customer;

  • Approve the release for consultation of the first phase (Framework Plan) of the National Water Resources Plan;

  • Approve an interim capital budget and the award of contracts for the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project;

  • Approve a capital budget and award of design build and operate contract for Arklow Sewerage Scheme Project;

  • Approve a capital budget and contract award for the upgrade To Roscommon Town Sewerage Scheme;

  • approve the 2021 capital budget for the Uisce Éireann Maintenance Programme;

  • Approve the 2021 budget for the Uisce Éireann Capital Programmes;

  • Approve a 2021 budget for Uisce Éireann Leakage Reduction Programme;

  • Approve a 2021 budget for Uisce Éireann Growth and Development Programme;

  • Approve the Gate 4 post project review report for Ballyboden reservoir covered storage project;

  • Approve the execution under seal of the design build contract for the Clare RAL Upgrade Works.

Board Meeting dated 7 December 2020

The Board agreed to:

  • Approve a submission on the Water Supply Project to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in relation to the National Development Plan;
  • Approve value increase of the framework for the provision of Repair and Maintenance works;
  • Approve a capital commitments envelope for Uisce Éireann for 2021;
  • Approve the award of contract for framework call of contracts for the Capital Programmes Wastewater Aboveground Pillar;
  • Approve the award of the design and build contract for Mallow Sewerage Network Upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget and design, build and operate contract award for the Kilkenny Water Supply Scheme Upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Mallow Wastewater Treatment plant upgrade project;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Castletownbere Untreated Agglomeration Sewerage Scheme;
  • Approve a capital budget for the Shared Waters Enhancement and Loughs Legacy Wastewater Upgrades project ;
  • Approve the award of contracts for Uisce Éireann's Growth and Development Programme;
  • Approve the post project review report for Enniscorthy Wastewater Treatment plant upgrade project;
  • Approve amendments to matters reserved to the Board and revised Governance Framework;
  • Approve updates to the  Financial Authorisation and Contract Approvals Policy.

The following summaries detail the decisions taken by the Board of Uisce Éireann in 2019

Board Meeting dated 28 January 2019
  • Approve an increase in value of the Design, Build And Operate contract for the phase 2 upgrade works at Foxes Den
Board Meeting dated 1 February 2019
  • Approve the appointment of an external auditor for Uisce Éireann for the three financial years 2019, 2020 and 2021
Board Meeting dated 22 February 2019
  • Approve the submission of the 2018 Uisce Éireann unaudited, unapproved and abridged financial statements to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
  • Approve the acquisition by Uisce Éireann of a 20.976 acre site in Ballysimon, County Limerick to facilitate the development of a new national laboratory
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework agreement for the supply and delivery of civil engineering design and build works to Uisce Éireann
Board Meeting dated 22 March 2019
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of a Design, Build and Operate contract for the Gorey Regional water supply scheme project
  • Approve an extension of a revolving credit facility with Royal Bank of Canada
  • Approve an extension of a revolving credit facility with HSBC Bank plc
  • Approve an extension of revolving credit facilities with the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund
Board Meeting dated 25 March 2019
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Financial Statements and associated Letter of Representation in respect of the year ended 31 December 2018
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2018 Annual Report
Board Meeting dated 26 April 2019
  • Approve the compulsory purchase by Uisce Éireann of lands, to facilitate the development of a regional biosolids storage facility and an interim capital budget for the project
Board Meeting dated 27 May 2019
  • Approve an increase to the contract value for the Foxford, Charlestown and Killala Wastewater Sewerage Schemes
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the supply of jetting and cleaning services of water and wastewater assets to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve an increase to the capital budget for water treatment plant upgrade for Letterkenny and Creeslough
Board Meeting dated 21 June 2019
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann capital maintenance programme, to cover works up to the end of 2020

  • Approve and consent to the extension of a revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Allied Irish Banks, plc

  • Approve and consent to the extension of a revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland

Board Meeting dated 26 July 2019
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the Design Build contract for the provision of new storage reservoir and ancillary works at Saggart Reservoir

  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the Design, Build and Operate contract for the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant and three new pumping stations to serve the untreated agglomerations of Duncannon, Arthurstown and Ballyhack

  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the Design Build contract for the Leixlip Transfer Pipeline and Wastewater Network Upgrade

  • Approve the issue of contract variations for the Carrigrennan and separately Blessington Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades

  • The award of contracts for the supply of reservoir repair services to Uisce Éireann

  • An increase in the capital budget for the Letterkenny and Creeslough water treatment plant project

Board Meeting dated 30 July 2019
  • Approve the extension of a CCTV & Sewer Jetting Framework
Board Meeting dated 2 August 2019
  • Approve the entry by Uisce Éireann into a contract relating to the single party framework for the provision of service desk and deskside support services

Board Meeting dated 20 September 2019
  • Approve the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Barclays Bank Ireland plc
  • Approve the execution of a Capital Contribution Deed for replacement of Uisce Éireann's commercial facilities with government equity funding
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework contract for the supply of works and services associated with sewer rehabilitation and pipe laying to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of a design build contract for the Mallow Sewerage Network Upgrade
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of a design build contract for the provision of a new storage reservoir and trunk watermains at Old Connaught
  • A capital budget and the award of a design build and operate contract for the Lettermacaward and Killybegs Water Supply Schemes
  • Approve a variation to the Uisce Éireann Telemetry Programme budget and telemetry framework
  • Approve the use of lands for the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility Project as temporary HCV parking facility
  • Approve a lease and related costs for the expansion of Uisce Éireann regional accommodation in Mallow
Board Meeting dated 18 October 2019
  • Approve an Uisce Éireann property strategy for Cork City

  • Approve an increase to the previously approved Contract for the Provision of Meter Reading Services to Uisce Éireann

  • Approve an extension and increase to the CCTV and Sewer Jetting Framework Agreement

  • Approve a capital budget and the award of a design and build contract for the Clare RAL Upgrade Works

  • Approve the award of a multi supplier framework for the Provision of Pumps and Associated Works to Uisce Éireann

  • Approve an additional capital budget for the Water Network Management Programme

  • Approve the establishment of a Trade Effluent Compliance Committee

Board Meeting dated 22 November 2019
  • Approve and consent to the extension of the revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann and Ulster Bank Ireland DAC

  • Approve the award of a single supplier framework for the provision of customer contact centre services to Uisce Éireann

  • Approve a capital budget for the Water Network Management Programme for 2020

  • Approve a 2020 capital budget for Uisce Éireann Capital Programmes

  • Approve an increase in capital budget for the Drogheda and Dundalk Water Supply Project and an increase in the Design, Build And Operate contract value

  • Note a capital budget increase for the Roughgrane to Staleen Pipeline replacement and to approve an increase the variation to the Drogheda and Dundalk Water Supply Scheme DBO contract

  • A capital commitments budget for Uisce Éireann for 2020

  • Approve a reallocation within the existing water supply project overall budget

  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Superannuation Fund 2019 actuarial valuation and funding proposal

  • Approve a letter of engagement in respect of its audit of Uisce Éireann's Statutory Financial Statements

  • Approve the Uisce Éireann Budget for 2020

  • Approve the revised Ervia Enterprise Risk Management policy

Board Meeting dated 9 December 2019
  • Approve capital budgets and the award of the design build contract for three separate cork city pipeline projects (the Western Trunkmain Project, the Shanakiel Rising Main Project, the Eastern Strategic Project)
  • Approve the Gate 4 Closeout - Leixlip Waste Water Treatment Plant Project proposal
  • Approve the Gate 4 - Castlerea And Environs Regional Water Supply Scheme Network proposal
  • Approve the Gate 4 post project review of North Docklands Sewerage Scheme Contract 4B proposal
  • Approve the award of a multi supplier panel for the provision of legal services

The following summaries detail the decisions taken by the Board of Uisce Éireann in 2018

Board Meeting dated 29 January 2018
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the design and build contract for the Peamount to Saggart pumping station and rising main
  • Approve a capital budget for the Galway City watermains rehabilitation project
  • Approve a capital budget for the Letterkenny Sewerage Scheme
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann National Telemetry Programme covering the period 2018 to the end of 2022
Board Meeting dated 26 February 2018
  • Approve the extension of a revolving credit facility between Uisce Éireann and Royal Bank of Canada
  • Approve the extension of a revolving credit facility between Uisce Éireann and HSBC Bank Plc
  • Approve the submission of the 2017 Uisce Éireann draft unaudited, unapproved and abridged financial statements to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
  • Approve a variation to the detailed design contract for the Ringsend Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Approve a capital budget for the Upper Liffey Valley Sewerage Scheme (2A Network) project and the award of the Design, Build and Operate contract for the project
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann capital maintenance programme
Board Meeting dated 26 March 2018
  • Approve a capital budget for the Bandon Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project and the award of the Design, Build and Operate contract for the project
  • Approve a revised project estimate for the Bandon Watermain and Sewer Network Upgrade Project and the award of the Design and Build contract for the project
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2017 and the associated letter of representation
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann 2017 Annual Report
  • Approve an addendum to the auditor's letter of engagement
Board Meeting dated 20 April 2018
  • Approve a capital budget and award of the design, build and operate contract for the Ballyshannon Water Supply Project
  • Approve a capital budget for the Donegal Countywide Watermain Rehabilitation project
Board Meeting dated 24 May 2018
  • Approved an extension to and an increase in the framework value for the contract for the provision of Contact Centre Services to Uisce Éireann
  • Approved an overall cumulative budget for the Vartry Project and the award of the contract for the upgrade of the Stillorgan Reservoir
  • Approved the extension of the revolving credit facility agreement between Uisce Éireann and AIB
  • Approved the extension of the revolving credit facility agreement between Uisce Éireann and Bank of Ireland
  • Approved the extension of the revolving credit facilities between Uisce Éireann and National Treasury Management Agency as controller and manager of the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund
Board Meeting dated 25 June 2018
  • Approve the award of a Multi-Supplier Framework agreement for the supply and delivery of aggregates to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve the extension of the term of the CCTV and Sewer Jetting Maintenance Works and Services Framework Agreement
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Multi-Supplier Framework agreement for the provision of plant hire equipment to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve a budget for the construction of a sewer mains by LIDL Ireland Limited
  • Approve a capital budget and award of a design and build contract for the Letterkenny Regional Supply Scheme
  • Approve a capital budget and award of the design build and operate contract for the Tullamore and Birr Water Supply Scheme
  • Approve a capital budget and award of a design and build contract for the Tuam Regional Water Supply Scheme extension
  • Approve a capital budget and award of the design build and operate contract for the Skibbereen Regional Water Supply Scheme
Board Meeting dated 29 June 2018
  • Approve the issuance of an Order and Notice prohibiting certain water usage in the Greater Dublin Water Supply Area
Board Meeting dated 4 July 2018
  • Approve the issuance of an Order and Notice prohibiting or restricting water usage on a nationwide basis
Board Meeting dated 27 July 2018
  • Approve the submission of the Uisce Éireann Strategic Funding Plan 2019 - 2024 to the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework for the supply and delivery of materials to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve the termination of the Tullamore Wastewater Treatment Works Design Build and Operate Contract      
  • Approve the extension of a revolving credit facility agreement between Uisce Éireann and Barclays Bank Ireland Plc
  • Approve the entry by Uisce Éireann into amendment agreements with the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund to extend the term of two facility agreements
  • Approve the issuance of an Extension Order and Notice to continue the prohibition on water usage on a national basis for a further specified period
Board Meeting dated 28 August 2018 
  • Approve the issuance of an Extension Order and Notice to continue the prohibition on water usage in specific parts of the country where water supply issues remain at critical levels
Board Meeting dated 24 September 2018 
  • Approve the issuance of an order rescinding the  order made on 24 September applying restrictions on certain types of  water usage
  • Approve the submission of the Uisce Éireann revenue control proposal for the period 2020-2024 to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities
  • Approve the extension of a multi-supplier framework for the provision of engineering/technical consultancy services to Uisce Éireann and Ervia
  • Approve a multi supplier framework for the supply of polyethylene pipe to Ervia
  • Approve the award of the Greater Dublin Drainage project Employer's Representative contract
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Water Supply Project contract
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann 2019 Capital Programmes
  • Approve an increase in the value of the Upper Liffey Valley Sewerage Scheme 2a project capital budget and design, build and operate contract value
  • Approve a capital budget for the Blanchardstown Regional Drainage Scheme project and the award of the design, build and operate contract
  • Approve a capital budget for the Howth, Malahide and Balbriggan Water Supply Schemes and the award of the design and build contract for the upgrade of trunk mains infrastructure for those schemes
Board Meeting dated 22 October 2018
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of the Design, Build and Operate contract in respect of the Upper Liffey Valley Sewerage Scheme contract 2B Networks Project
  • Approve a capital budget for the 2019 Water Network Management Programme
  • Approve a capital budget for the Uisce Éireann Capital Maintenance Programme, to cover works up to the end of 2019
  • Approve the procurement of plant hire services for Uisce Éireann through the plant hire dynamic purchasing system
  • Approve the award of a multi supplier framework for the provision of minor mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, control and automation works to Uisce Éireann
  • Approve the extension of a revolving credit facility between Uisce Éireann and Ulster Bank Ireland DAC
Board Meeting dated 26 November 2018
  • Approve the budget for 2019 for the Company
  • Approve a capital commitments budget for  the Company for 2019
  • Approve a capital budget and award of design, build and operate contract for the Cork City Water Supply Scheme
Board Meeting dated 10 December 2018
  • Approve a letter of engagement in respect of the audit of Uisce Éireann's Statutory Financial Statements for the financial year 2018
  • Approve an increase in budget and the award of construction contracts in respect of the Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project
  • Approve the award of call off contracts for the supply of site supervision services from the Engineering/Technical Consultancy Services framework
  • Approve the award of the Early Contractor Involvement programme contracts from the Major Process and Minor Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Controls and Automation framework
  • Approve an increase in the estimated spend threshold of the framework for provision of Portfolio Support Services
  • Approve the award of the Design, Build and Operate contract for the Cork Mid-West Bundle (Waste Water)
  • Approve the extension of a revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with Danske Bank A/S
  • Approve the extension of a revolving credit facility entered into by Uisce Éireann with BNP Paribas
  • Approve the submission of a draft high level separation plan to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

The following summaries detail the decisions taken by the Board of Uisce Éireann in 2017

Board Meeting dated 27 January 2017
  • Approving budget and contract for the design, build and operation of the upgrade to the Enniscorthy Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • Approving the award of a multi supplier framework contract for the provision of water meters and associated devices for a four year period with the option to extend for a further two year period.
  • Approving budget and contract increases for the expansion works at Swords Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Board Meeting dated 20 February 2017
  • Approving additional capital budget for the delivery of gas and water works for the Wexford Town Project.
  • Approving capital budget for the design and construction (including civil works) of a new reservoir and disinfection upgrade at Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant.
  • Approving the award of a multi supplier framework contract for the provision of ductile iron pipes, fittings, valves and couplers for a four year period with the option to extend for a further two year period.
  • Approving a capital budget for the Water Network Programmes works for 2017.
  • Approving a capital budget for the upgrades to the water treatment plants at the Drogheda and Dundalk Water Supply Schemes.
  • Approving an increased capital budget for the Lower Liffey Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade.
Board Meeting dated 27 March 2017
  • Approving the 2016 Uisce Éireann Financial Statements.
  • Approving the Letter of Representation in respect of the 2016 Financial Statements.
  • Approving the extension for one year of the €100M revolving credit facilities between Uisce Éireann and HSBC and Uisce Éireann and RBC.
  • Approving the capital budget for Inistioge Water Supply Scheme.
  • Approving the increased budget for Capital Programmes for 2017.
  • Approving the creation of multi-supplier framework contracts for the supply of Sewer Network Surveys and Associated Services.
  • Approving the Lead in Drinking Water Mitigation Plan.
Board Meeting dated 26 April 2017
  • Approving an increase in the value of the Minor Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Controls and Automation Framework.
  • Approving an increase in the value of the Minor Civil Engineering Framework.
Board Meeting dated 29 May 2017
  • Approving extensions to existing facilities of the Company with Bank of Ireland, Allied Irish Banks Plc and Ireland Strategic Investment Fund totalling €650M.
  • Approving the issue of new shares by the Company and the allotment of such shares in equal proportions to the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government.
  • Approving the award of Supplier Framework Contracts for the Provision of Major Process and MEICA works for a five year period.
  • Approving the award of Supplier Framework Contracts for the Supply of Water Network Management Services and Works for a four year period, with the option to extend for a further two year period (in one year intervals).
  • Approving a draft Connection Charging Policy for formal submission to the Commission for Energy Regulation.
  • Approving the award of Supplier Framework Contracts for the Supply of Water and Waste Water Connection Related Works and Services for a three year period, with the option to extend for a further two year period (in one year intervals).
  • Approving the award of Supplier Framework Contracts for the Supply of Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals for a three year period, with the option to extend for a further two year period (in one year intervals), up to a maximum value of €119.75m for the five year period.
  • Approving a capital budget for the Castlerea and Environs Regional Network Phase 1 project.
  • Approving a capital budget for the Eastern and Midlands Region Water Supply Project ("WSP").
  • Approving a draft Interim Trade Effluent Charging Policy for formal submission to the Commission for Energy Regulation.
Board Meeting dated 26 June 2017
  • Approving a capital budget for the upgrade to the Grange, Strandhill, Tubbercurry and Ballinafad Wastewater Treatment Plants and the award of the Design, Build and Operate Contract to Coffey Northumbrian Limited.
  • Approving the delegation of authority for making Compulsory Purchase Orders and Notices under Section 97 of the Water Services Act 2007.
Board Meeting dated 24 July 2017
  • Approving the entry by Uisce Éireann into an Amendment Agreement with Barclays Bank Ireland Plc relating to a revolving credit facility agreement dated 18th November 2015.
  • Approving the payment of fees to Deloitte to audit the financial statements of Uisce Éireann for the years 2017 and 2018.
  • Approving the budget for the construction of the Vartry to Callowhill Pipeline Link project and the award of the pipeline construction contract.
  • Approving the for the capacity upgrade of the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • Approving the delegation of authority for any property related agreements which may be required with Dublin Port Company to facilitate the upgrade of the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • Approving the award of a multi supplier framework contract for the provision of sludge and waste management services
  • Approving an extension of the term and an increase in the value of the CCTV and sewer jetting maintenance works and services framework agreement.
Board Meeting dated 30 August 2017
  • Approving the adoption of Ervia's revised Enterprise Risk Management Policy.
Board Meeting dated 15 September 2017
  • Approving the submission of the draft Uisce Éireann Business Plan 2017 - 2022 to the relevant Ministers and NewERA (New Economy and Recovery Authority).
Board Meeting dated 25 September 2017
  • Approving the entry by the Company into an authority and indemnity in favour of  Allied Irish Banks, plc.
  • Approving the budget for Capital Programme works for the 2017 and 2018 period.
  • Approving the budget for the Water Network Programme works for the 2017 and 2018 period.
  • Approving the delegation of authority in relation to the issuance of statutory notices associated with sections 42(1), 42(2), 43(6) or 44(1)(b) Water Services Act 2007.
  • Approving the entry by the Company into a lease of a premises at Mullingar, Co. Westmeath and approving the fit out of these premises on the commercial terms outlined at the meeting.
  • Approving the submission of unaudited semi-annual Financial Statements to the Company's lenders.
Board Meeting dated 23 October 2017
  • Approving the award of a multi supplier framework for the provision of sludge and waste management services to Uisce Éireann.
  • Approving a capital budget for the Bandon Watermain and Sewer Network Upgrade project.
  • Approving a budget for the upgrade of the Vartry Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir and for the design and construction of the Vartry to Callowhill Pipeline Link and other preliminary project works.
  • Approving the award of the contract for the upgrade of the Vartry Wastewater Treatment Plant and Reservoir, subject to the receipt of planning permission for these works.
Board Meeting dated 20 November 2017
  • Approving the payment of refunds to domestic customers in accordance with the direction from the Minister under section 3C of the Water Services Act 2014 (as inserted by Section 22 of the Water Services Act 2017).
Board Meeting dated 27 November 2017
  • Approve the 2018 budget for Uisce Éireann.
  • Approve an extension of a €100m revolving credit facility with Ulster Bank Ireland DAC for up to one year.
  • Approve the Uisce Éireann non-domestic tariff design and transition proposals for formal submission to the CRU.
  • Approve the award of a multi-supplier framework contract to 17 suppliers for the provision of laboratory services, equipment and associated consumables to Uisce Éireann.
  • Approve a capital budget for the combined Timoleague and Courtmacsherry wastewater project.
  • Approve a capital budget for the upgrade to the Foxford, Charlestown and Killala wastewater sewerage schemes and the award of the design, build and operate contract to Glan Agua.
Board Meeting dated 11 December 2017
  • Approve the placement of the Uisce Éireann general insurance programme for the 2018 calendar year, including placement of the public liability insurance on a self-insured retention basis.
  • Approve the extension of a €100m revolving credit facility between Uisce Éireann and Danske Bank A/S for up to one year.
  • Approve the extension of a €100m revolving credit facility between Uisce Éireann and BNP Paribas for up to one year.
  • Approve a capital commitments budget for Uisce Éireann for 2018.
  • Approve a capital budget and the award of a design, build and operate contract for the Thurles Water Supply project.
  • Approval for Uisce Éireann to acquire lands in Clonshaugh, County Dublin to facilitate the development of a new waste water treatment plant for the Greater Dublin Drainage Project.
  • Approve the assignment of a lease and fit out in respect of 3rd floor 5 Harbourmaster Place, Dublin 1.
  • Approve a variation to the design, build and operate contract for the Drogheda and Dundalk Water Supply Scheme.

The following summaries detail the decisions taken by the Board of Uisce Éireann in 2016

Board Meeting dated 25 January 2016
  • Approving the entry into an amendment and restatement agreement (the "Amendment and Restatement Agreement") with Danske Bank A/S ("Danske") pursuant to which the €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 12 March 2015 between Uisce Éireann and Danske will be amended and restated on the terms set out in a form of facility agreement appended to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement (the "Amended and Restated Facility Agreement") tabled at the meeting.
  • Approving the entry into an amendment and restatement agreement (the "Amendment and Restatement Agreement") with Allied Irish Banks plc ("AIB") pursuant to which the €50,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 11 March 2015 between Uisce Éireann and AIB will be amended and restated on the terms set out in a form of facility agreement appended to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement (the "Amended and Restated Facility Agreement") tabled at the meeting.
  • Approving the entry into an amendment and restatement agreement (the "Amendment and Restatement Agreement") with BNP Paribas, Dublin Branch ("BNP Paribas") pursuant to which the €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 24 March 2015 between Uisce Éireann and BNP Paribas will be amended and restated on the terms set out in a form of facility agreement appended to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement (the "Amended and Restated Facility Agreement") tabled at the meeting.
Board Meeting dated 22 February 2016
  • Approving, subject to Ervia Board approval, budgeted expenditure on Tranche 1 of the Uisce Éireann Drainage Area Plan Programme, inclusive of a 10% contingency.
  • Approving, subject to Ervia Board approval, the Uisce Éireann IRC2 price control submission to the CRU.
  • Approving the recommendation to the Ervia Board of the appointment of the Managing Director of Uisce Éireann, subject to Ministerial Consent.
  • Further meetings of the Board of Uisce Éireann have taken place since and summaries of the decisions will be added here in due course.
Board Meeting dated 15 March 2016
  • The Board met for the purpose of having a detailed discussion in relation to the Company's accounts for the financial year 2015 and the issue of going concern.
Board Meeting dated 23 March 2016
  • Considering and approving the entry into by the Company of an amendment and restatement agreement (the "Amendment and Restatement Agreement") with the Royal Bank of Canada ("RBC") pursuant to which the €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 21 May 2015 (the "Original Facility Agreement") between Uisce Éireann and RBC will be amended and restated on the terms set out in a form of facility agreement appended to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement (the "Amended and Restated Facility Agreement") tabled at the meeting.
  • Considering and approving the entry into by the Company of an amendment and restatement agreement (the "Amendment and Restatement Agreement") with HSBC Bank plc ("HSBC") pursuant to which the €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 21 May 2015 (the "Original Facility Agreement") between Uisce Éireann and HSBC will be amended and restated on the terms set out in a form of facility agreement appended to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement (the "Amended and Restated Facility Agreement") tabled at the meeting.
  • Authorising the Company to negotiate and finalise the Lease/Licence Agreements, and agreements ancillary thereto as may be necessary, in respect of Uisce Éireann Regional Accommodation properties in Castlebar, Mullingar, Mallow and Kilkenny.
  • Approving the increase to the Uisce Éireann framework agreement for the provision of the Minor Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Controls and Automation (MEICA) Framework.
Board Meeting dated 15 April 2016
  • Approving appointments of the initial trustees to the Uisce Éireann Defined Benefit Scheme and the Uisce Éireann Defined Contribution Scheme.
  • Approving the transfer, for zero consideration, of the freehold interest and title of a c. 40 square feet site at Raffeen, County Cork and the granting of cable wayleaves to the ESB, for the development of a substation at the site.
  • Evaluating going concern consideration in relation to the Uisce Éireann financial statements.
Board Meeting dated 25 April 2016
  • Approving a capital budget for the civil and mechanical and electrical construction works associated with a new sludge processing and dewatering plant at the Ballymore Eustace Water Treatment Plant and the Design, Build and Operate Contract to Veolia Water Ireland.
Board Meeting dated 28 April 2016
  • The Board met for the purpose of having a detailed discussion in relation to the Company's accounts for the financial year 2015 and the issue of going concern.
Resolutions passed 30 May 2016
  • Approving an amendment and restatement agreement with the National Treasury Management Agency as controller and manager of the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund ("ISIF") pursuant to which the revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 25 August 2015 between the Company and ISIF will be amended and restated.
  • Approving the entry into an amendment agreement with AIB pursuant to which the revolving credit facility made available under the Original Facility Agreement originally dated 11 March 2015 would be increased and the termination date of the increased facility would be extended up to 2 September 2017; and to cancel the revolving credit facility made available under the 2015 AIB Facility Agreement.
  • Approving the entry into an amendment and restatement agreement with the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland ("BOI") pursuant to which the revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 4 September 2015 between the Company and BOI will be amended and restated.
Board Meeting dated 27 June 2016
  • Approving a capital budget for all works associated with the planning submission, commencement of detailed design, land and wayleave acquisition and construction procurement for the Greater Dublin Drainage Scheme Project. It was noted that this approval is subject to Ervia Board approval being forthcoming
  • Approval of capital budget to deliver the water works for the Wexford town project. It was noted that this approval is subject to Ervia Board approval being forthcoming.
Resolutions passed 26 July 2016
  • To enter into an Amendment and Restatement Agreement with Barclay's Bank pursuant to which €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement will be amended and restated.
  • Approving the capital budget for works re: Cork Lower Harbour.
  • Approving the capital budget for works re: Dublin Docklands.
  • Approving the conversion of Uisce Éireann to a Designated Activity Company (DAC).
Board Meeting dated 26 August 2016
  • Approving the Directors Compliance Statement Policy in accordance with the Companies Act 2014.
Resolution passed 22 September 2016
  • Approving an increase in the suppressed capital maintenance budget to cover works up to the end of Q1 2017.
Resolution passed 26 October 2016
  • Approving a capital commitment of €921m (incl. VAT) for 2017 subject to consents, confirmations and/or approvals of such Ministers of the Government as may be required.
Resolution passed 28 November 2016
  • To enter into an Amendment Agreement with Ulster Bank Ireland DAC pursuant to which the €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 26th January 2015 as amended and restated on 22nd December will be amended to extend its maturity up to 31 January 2018.
Resolutions passed 12 December 2016
  • Approving a capital budget for, and the award of, the design, build and construction works of two water treatment plants in Goldrum and Creeslough, Co. Donegal.
  • Approving a large connection agreement.
  • Approving the Framework Contract for the supply of boundary boxes for water meters.
  • Approving an insurance premium budget for the placement of the Uisce Éireann general insurance programme with the Irish Public Bodies for 2017.
Resolution passed 21 December 2016
  • Approving a capital contribution of €96m from the Minister for Finance, the proceeds of which will be treated as having been made available pursuant to a €96m Credit Facility Agreement entered into with the Minister on 15 December 2015.

The following summaries detail the decisions taken by the Board of Uisce Éireann in 2015

Board Meeting dated 1 September 2015
  • Considering occupational safety metrics and trends presented for Q1 and Q2.
  • Review of Metering Project statistics.
  • Review of significant safety-related incidents reported in Q2.
  • Review of HSQE inspections carried out in Q1 and Q2.
  • Review of programmes and inductions being put in place to drive a strong safety culture.
  • Review of programmes of work in place to deal with contractor safety compliance.
  • Approving the development of an Ervia wide health and safety strategy/framework to be driven by each of the businesses collectively. Approving branding for the strategy.
Board Meeting dated 19 October 2015
  • Approving the entry into an amendment and restatement agreement (the "Amendment and Restatement Agreement") with Ulster Bank Ireland Limited ("UBIL") pursuant to which the €100,000,000 revolving credit facility agreement originally dated 26 January 2015 between Uisce Éireann and UBIL will be amended and restated on the terms set out in a form of facility agreement appended to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement tabled at the meeting.
  • Approving, subject to Ervia board approval, the Kerry Central Regional Water Supply Project.
  • Approving the issuance of legal enforcement action, to include prosecution if necessary, by Uisce Éireann against the Licensees/Operators detailed in a schedule tabled at the meeting for breaches of the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 as amended.
Board Meeting dated 2 December 2015
  • Considering occupational safety metrics and trends presented for the year relating to company activities, the metering programme, SLA activities and capital projects.
  • Review of safety incidents reported in Q3.
  • Review of top risk areas.
  • Review of programmes of work in place to drive a strong safety culture.
  • Approving the procedure for incident reporting to the Ervia Board.
Board Meeting dated 4 December 2015
  • Approving, subject to Ervia Board approval, the entry into a lease from Ervia to Uisce Éireann of the premises at Foley Street on the key commercial terms outlined at the meeting.
  • Approving, subject to Ervia Board approval, the entry into a lease of the premises at Colvill House on the key commercial terms outlined at the meeting.
  • Approving the entry into a term credit facility with the Minister for Finance up to an aggregate principal amount of EUR 96 million on the terms set out in the draft facility agreement tabled at the meeting.
  • Approving the capital commitment proposed for 2016 and to obtain the necessary Ministerial Consent for the commitment.
  • Approving the Galway Water Conservation Project Stage 3 - Mains Rehabilitation Phase 2.
  • Approving a Major Wastewater Connection Agreement between Uisce Éireann and Centre Parcs to facilitate the water and wastewater upgrade works necessary for the Centre Parcs Development.
  • Approving the budget for the First Fix Programme for the period up to December 2016.
  • Approving the Osberstown Sludge Hub Upgrade.
  • Approving, subject to Ervia Board approval, an insurance premium budget inclusive of broker fees for the placement of the 2016 Uisce Éireann general insurance programme in accordance with the proposal submitted.
  • Approving the budget and contract for the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project.
  • Authorising the Company to prosecute the persons listed in a schedule tabled at the meeting for a breach or breaches of section 16 the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977 as amended.

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