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Kinsale Water Main Replacement

National Leakage Reduction Programme

Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Cork County Council, is installing a section of new water main in Kinsale to improve security of supply and improve water quality.

This project involves the installation of over 400 metres of new polyethylene (plastic) pipes to supply St Multose School, Kinsale and the local community centre. This will improve both the security of supply and water quality in this area of the community.

The works will take place on Barrack Hill, Knocknabohilly (L3231). The new main will stretch from the junction of Barrack Hill and Farm Lane (eastern extent), down Barrack Hill as far as the entrance to 'Kinsale Holiday Village'. The works will also involve laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to the school and community centre.

The works are scheduled to commence on Monday 13 August 2018. These works are being carried out as part of Uisce Éireann's national Leakage Reduction Programme. The works will be carried out on behalf of Uisce Éireann by Coffey Northumbrian Ltd. and are expected to be completed by the end of September.

Leakage reduction
A worker holding an old rusty pipe


  • Providing the community with a safe, secure and reliable water supply
  • The works will also ensure that St. Multose School and the local community centre will benefit from improved water quality
  • Reducing disruption from bursts, leaks and outages in the network
  • Repairing leaking pipes to reduce drinking water lost by leakage


  • Areas of work will be limited to short sections to minimise impact on customers
  • The works may involve some short-term water shut offs
  • Traffic management may be in place during this time
  • There may be local diversions in place for the duration of the works

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