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Drogheda Water Main Replacement Project

Water Project

Uisce Éireann is investing €3.2 million to replace 6km of old water mains in Drogheda and surrounding areas.

As part of this project, Uisce Éireann is investing €3.2 million in the replacement and rehabilitation of 6km of old water mains in Drogheda Town and surrounding areas. Uisce Éireann expects these works to last for approximately 4 months including final reinstatement works.

David Walsh Civil Engineering Limited will carry out this work on behalf of Uisce Éireann. These vital works will improve water supply and reduce leakage in Drogheda Town and surrounding areas. Upon completion, this project will result in significant improvements in network performance and levels of customer service in terms of efficiency and security of supply.

€3.2 million


  • Improved Security of Supply
  • Improve Water Quality
  • Reduced Leakage
  • Improved Maintenance and Operation

News and Updates

Street Name Works Commencing (dates are subject to change) Number of weeks
Bolton Street Week commencing 18/02/19 2 weeks
Loughboy/Trinity Street Ongoing 3 weeks
Windmill Road Week Commencing 1 week

The work sections will be limited to short sections to minimise impact on residents, businesses and road users. The works will involve some short-term water shut offs, the project team will ensure that householders and businesses are advised of any works in their area in advance and will be given a minimum of 48 hours prior notice of any planned water shut offs.

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