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What has happened so far?

In 2014, Uisce Éireann embarked on a four-stage process to identify a suitable new source of water supply for the Eastern and Midlands Region. Extensive studies and research have been undertaken to identify and assess all possible supply options to meet the future water supply requirements of the region.

What is the preferred scheme?

The Parteen Basin scheme was identified as the preferred scheme as it is the option which delivers the widest benefit to the greatest number of people, with the least environmental impact and in the most cost-effective manner.

The Parteen Basin scheme comprises the abstraction of water from the lower River Shannon at Parteen Basin in Co. Tipperary, with water treatment nearby at Birdhill. Treated water would then be piped 170km to a new termination point reservoir at Peamount in South County Dublin, connecting into the Greater Dublin network. Supplies of treated water would be made available to Midlands communities along the route.

Where are we now?

At present we are updating the Project Road Map, and there will be further opportunities for consultation and engagement, following the adoption of the National Water Resources Plan which will take place in two phases.

Phase one the draft Framework Plan identifies how we assess needs across all of our water supplies, and the process that we will use to find solutions to address those needs. The NWRP draft Framework Plan has been adopted with an accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement, which look at how our Plan considers its impact on the environment.

Phase 2 comprises four Regional Water Resources Plans which will look at the quality, quantity, sustainability and reliability issues for all water supplies within that Region and set out options to resolve these issues. The Regional Water Resources Plan for the Midlands and Eastern Region has been published for public consultation and submissions can be made until 14 March 2022. For more information on Uisce Éireann's National Water Resources Plan click here

In parallel work is ongoing to progress the planning application for the project which includes engineering, technical, environmental and planning advice for the preparation of key consent applications.

What happens next?

Uisce Éireann is continuing to progress the preparation of a SID planning application to An Bord Pleanála for the WSP, including an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement following the enactment of new Abstraction legislation. There will be a further phase of non-statutory public consultation prior to submitting a planning application.

Contact us

If you have any questions about your water supply contact us.