Blackrock Lead Service Replacement
The programme to remove lead service connections from the public water network in the Blackrock area will commence in early October 2021. Works are due to be undertaken on the Blackrock Road (greenway crossing to pier), Church Avenue, Glandore Avenue, Post Office Avenue, the Marina, Castle Road, Convent Avenue, Rope Walk, Upper Convent Road, Castle Avenue, Sandy Lane and Dunloe Cottages. This will involve the replacement of existing lead pipes connecting the public water network to a customer's property with modern polyethylene (plastic) pipes.
Property owners will be notified if it is likely that there is lead present within the boundary of their property. Property owners are responsible for replacing this lead.
The works will be carried out by Ward and Burke Limited.
What are the benefits of the works?
The benefits of replacing the lead service connections include:
- Improved Water Quality - The presence of lead in drinking water is a recognised health concern and replacement of lead pipes will result in improved water quality.
- Improved Security of Supply - The replacement of lead pipework will significantly reduce the instances of bursts and water outages and will ensure a reliable supply of water to customers and local businesses in the area.
- Reduced Leakage - Replacing lead service connections will eliminate existing leaks and reduce the amount of clean drinking water lost into the ground.
Will customers be affected by the works?
Works are limited to short sections to minimise impact on customers. They may involve some short-term water outages but the project team will engage on the ground and ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours prior notice of any planned water outages.
If required local traffic management will be put in place. Emergency traffic and local traffic, including deliveries, are maintained at all times.