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Ardmore Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

This project was delivered as part of a €24 million investment in Waterford and has stopped untreated effluent being discharged into Ardmore Bay. Ardmore village is a popular seaside resort and following the upgrade to the wastewater infrastructure the beach has been awarded Blue Flag. Attaining Blue Flag status is important to the village and the businesses within the village that rely on the tourist trade.

€24 million
Aerial view of Ardmore wastewater treatment plant


  • Provided better health and integrity of the environment.
  • Improved water quality in Ardmore Bay and Ardmore Beach
  • Enabled the beach to achieve Blue Flag status
  • The new infrastructure has facilitated future growth of Ardmore and has acted as a platform for social, economic and tourism development.
  • Ensured compliance with EU regulations relating to the treatment of wastewater.

What was involved?

  • Construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Plant at Monea, Ardmore.
  • Upgrade to the wastewater collection infrastructure 
  • A new marine outfall at the northern end of Ardmore Bay.

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