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Rush Town Wastewater Collection Scheme

Wastewater Project

The €9.7 million Rush Wastewater Collection Network project has stopped the discharge of the equivalent of 8,300 wheelie bins of raw sewage per day into the sea. The practice of discharging untreated wastewater is not acceptable and Uisce Éireann has rectified this problem in conjunction with Fingal County Council.

The project included the construction of new infrastructure to collect and transfer wastewater to the wastewater treatment plant at Portrane. New pumping stations were constructed at South Shore, North Beach and East Shore.

Jons Civil Engineering Limited carried out the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann with J.B.Barry and Partners Limited providing technical and engineering services.

€9.7 million
Water flowing out of two large pipes in a wall


  • The foul sewer that was in place was sub-standard and under capacity. During periods of high rainfall the sewer discharged raw sewage onto the road and adjacent waterways. The most recent event was 14 August 2017 after a period of heavy rainfall
  • The new pumping station at South Beach Rush stop the discharge of untreated effluent into the sea
  • The new pumping stations at North Beach and East Shore transfer all wastewater to the new treatment plant in Portrane
  • The upgrades to parts of the existing network provide greater capacity and reductions in overflows to sea


  • This project has brought benefits to Rush in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all
  • Improved water quality in the receiving waters
  • Cleaner water, enhancing Rush's amenity value and acts as a platform for social and economic development
  • The new sewer pipes and pumping stations have all been sized to accommodate an increase in the local population, facilitating future growth in the area

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