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Moville Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann is working to end the unacceptable practice of discharging untreated wastewater into Lough Foyle and the Bredagh River by developing a sewerage scheme for Moville.

Untreated effluent is currently being discharged into the Bredagh River and Lough Foyle at five locations in Moville. Moville is one of the areas the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified as having no treatment. The EPA have also highlighted the untreated discharges as a significant pressure causing pollution in the Bredagh River. The discharge of untreated wastewater threatens water quality, the environment and detracts from the amenity value of the river and the coastal waters around Moville and environs. A new wastewater treatment plant and collection system is needed to end this practice.

A water treatment plant


  • The new sewerage scheme will bring benefits to the area in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all
  • Cleaner water will enhance the amenity value in Moville and act as a platform for social and economic development
  • The wastewater infrastructure will be sized to accommodate an increase in the local population and will facilitate future growth in the area
  • Compliance with national and EU regulations relating to the treatment of urban wastewater


  • Construction of a new wastewater treatment plant (WwTP) that will serve a population equivalent of 3,500
  • A new below-ground pumping station including pumps, mechanical plant, storm water storage tank and storm overflow
  • New wastewater pipelines to transfer untreated wastewater to the new pumping station
  • New wastewater pipelines to transfer untreated wastewater from the new pumping station to the WwTP
  • A new outfall pipeline that will safely discharge the treated effluent 200m to 300m out into Lough Foyle

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​Where will the project take place?

  • River Row Pumping Station
    The proposed River Row Pumping Station will be located below ground in a low lying green area to the north of River Row adjacent to the Bredagh River. All flows from the town will gravitate to here and then pumped to the proposed plant
  • Moville Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP)
    The proposed WwTP and outfall pipe will be located in a greenfield site in Carnagarve. A new outfall pipeline will safely discharge the treated effluent from the WwTP 200m to 300m out into Lough Foyle

Frequently asked Questions

View our list of Frequently Asked Questions for the Moville Sewerage Scheme. 

More information

For further information you can contact the Project Team at

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