Contract signing takes place for works to commence on Whitegate-Aghada Sewerage Scheme
Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Cork County Council, is delighted to announce that it has signed a contract to upgrade the wastewater infrastructure for the Whitegate and Aghada areas. This important project will eliminate the discharge of untreated wastewater from both areas into Cork Harbour resulting in improved water quality that will enhance local amenities and add to a platform for social and economic development.
Glan Agua has signed the contract to carry out the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann. Works are due to commence in mid-May 2022. The project is due for completion in early 2024 with the majority of construction works completed by early 2023.
Speaking about today's milestone, Anthony Kavanagh, Asset Delivery Regional Lead with Uisce Éireann, said: "We are looking forward to delivering this important project on behalf of the local communities in Whitegate and Aghada.
"This significant investment will boost the area by enhancing the local environment and improve water quality in the bathing waters. It will also ensure that the wastewater infrastructure has the capacity to meet future development needs in the area."
Anthony added: "This project will involve the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant at Ballytigeen, a 310m marine outfall pipeline to safely discharge treated wastewater to the sea, 400m of new sewer pipelines, 3,500m of rising mains to transport untreated wastewater to the proposed new wastewater treatment plant, and three below ground wastewater pumping stations near Rostellan Memorial Park, the pier in Lower Aghada and Main Street in Whitegate.
"We look forward to working with the local communities in Whitegate and Aghada to deliver this essential project that will enhance local amenities and assist social and economic development into the future."
Uisce Éireann and our appointed contractor, Glan Agua, will continue to communicate with the local communities regarding the upcoming works throughout the project. For more details on the project, please click here.
Any person or business wishing to get a new connection to public wastewater collection infrastructure must contact Uisce Éireann. You can make a pre-connection enquiry to establish whether a connection to the public network is feasible, where the connection can be made and any associated charges. For more information, please visit the Connections section of our website.
Uisce Éireann is responsible for the delivery of all public water and wastewater services in Ireland. We are committed to continuously upgrading and developing critical infrastructure to support growth in our economy, while protecting the environment and safeguarding water supplies.
Uisce Éireann is committed to keeping customers informed about their water and wastewater supplies across multiple platforms 24/7 and we encourage customers to engage with us on Twitter @IWCare and through our customer care helpline which is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278 and by setting their location on our website.