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Making the Connection

In advance of Uisce Éireann carrying out a connection to the public network, Developers are responsible for delivering all private side works as set out in their agreed designs, However only Uisce Éireann or our authorised agents are permitted to make the Connection to the water and wastewater networks. No other entity is permitted to complete the Connection works to the Uisce Éireann networks.

An Uisce Éireann worker fixing a blue pipe in the ground

In instances where a Connection has been made, either directly or indirectly, to the network without our consent, this constitutes an illegal Connection under the Water Services Act of 2007. Where Uisce Éireann becomes aware of illegal connections to the water and wastewater networks, it maintains the right to prosecute or take appropriate action.

In all circumstances, the Connection is to be completed by Uisce Éireann or our authorised agents and Uisce Éireann reserves the right to disconnect connections completed by another entity. Should Uisce Éireann incur any additional costs in regularising the Connection, these costs will be charged to the relevant party. Without prejudice to this regularisation process, Uisce Éireann expressly reserves all its rights and entitlements in respect of such illegal Connections.