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Annual Quantity

Annual Quantity for Non-Domestic Customers

An Annual Quantity (AQ) will be calculated once a year for every non-domestic metered connection. The AQ calculates the volume of water supplied and/or wastewater collected over a prior 12 month period. The AQ assigns each metered connection to a tariff class for the following tariff year and determines the corresponding tariffs which that connection will be charged. For example a metered connection with an AQ below 1,000m³ availing of water supply only services will be assigned to Tariff Band 1 and charged a standing charge of €43.76 and volumetric rate of €1.87/m³ for usage prior to 1st October 2024.  For usage from 1st October 2024 to 30th September 2025, a standing charge of €83.02 and volumetric rate of €2.19/m³ will apply.

From 1st October 2024, Tariff classes will be differentiated by AQ as per the below table. Letters will issue to all customers annually advising of their AQ and the Tariff Band that will be applied at the start of each new water year (1st October).

Water Services Customer Classes

Water Supply

Wastewater Services

Tariff Category

Annual Consumption m³

Tariff Category

Annual Consumption m³

Band 1

Less than 1,000m³

Band 1

Less than 1,000m³

Band 2

Between 1,000m3 and 19,999m³

Band 2

Between 1,000m3 and 19,999m³

Band 3

Between 20,000m3 and 249,999m³

Band 3

Between 20,000m3 and 249,999m³

Band 4

Between 250,000m³ and 2,299,999m³

Band 4

Equal or greater than 250,000m³

Band 5

Equal to or greater than 2,300,000m³

Trade Effluent

Licenced to discharge trade effluent (see here)

Tariff Class boundaries

Customers can query their AQ and assigned Tariff Band if they feel it doesn't represent their usage for the year ahead by emailing or by contacting 0818 778 778.  We also have an application form available to download below.

Determining AQ for new customers

If a Non-Domestic Customer moves out of a premises, the Non-Domestic Customer that moves in will be assigned the same AQ and Tariff Band as the former occupier.


Determining AQ for new connections to the network

In the case of a new connection to the network, Uisce Éireann will not have historic meter reads to rely on to determine an AQ or to assign that connection to a tariff class. Uisce Éireann will therefore determine the AQ and associated Tariff Band for new connections to the Network as follows:

  • Taking the example of a new connection to the water network Uisce Éireann will multiply the projected Average Daily Usage (ADU) at that new connection by 365 (days) to estimate the connection's AQ in the coming year. The estimated AQ will determine which Tariff Band the new Connection is assigned to.
  • New connections are obliged to provide details of the projected ADU when requesting to join the network via the application form as set out in Uisce Éireann’s Connection Charging Policy.