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Networks Collaboration Forum

A collection of 52 individual and national programmes that will:

  • Predominantly address the business plan leakage reduction target of 47% to 38% in 2021.
  • The prioritisation and completion of water main rehabilitation, including pressure management works and all ancillary water network capital apparatus.
  • Targeting leakage reduction, including the first fix and find and fix programme.
  • Deliver the National Lead Programme that will address the common and individual lead pipe services.

Collaborative Forum

The Leak Reduction Programme is being rolled out nationally through 8 regions with regional contractors appointed for delivery of the programme. Uisce Éireann has established a Collaborative Forum with these LRP Contractors. The group meets quarterly to review and appraise HSQE performance on the programme.

It is expected that establishment of the forum will lead to:

  • A mechanism for continuous improvement in health and safety standards on the WNM Programme.
  • Ensuring an efficient means of processing agreed changes to ways of working
  • Identify programme wide constraints and provide a means to introduce improvements where required.
  • Identify where best practice is already in place and ensure that this best practice is implemented across the Programme.

Terms of Reference



Each of the Regional contractors have taken one of the top 5 hazards and in consultation with the other contractors will identify programme wide constraints and provide a means to introduce improvements where required.

Contractor Posters

Leak Reduction Programme

Uisce Éireann's Capital Investment Programme to 2021 will see investment in water conservation and network improvement initiatives double to €512m in the period 2017 to 2021 through the implementation of a targeted programme of works, called the Leakage Reduction Programme.