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Tramore Water Network Improvement project

Uisce Éireann Growth and Development Programme

Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Waterford County Council, has improved the water network in Tramore to support the economic and social development of the area.

Uisce Éireann has worked in partnership with Waterford County Council on a network improvement programme that will facilitate social and economic growth in the Tramore area.

The works involved the construction of approximately 700m of new modern water mains. Construction works on the new water mains commenced in mid November 2021.

Works took place on the Monvoy Road approximately 50m north of the Monvoy roundabout and continued on the Ring road to the Racecourse roundabout.

The works were carried out on behalf of Uisce Éireann by Shareridge Limited and were completed by late December.

Networks Extension Programme

Uisce Éireann's Network Extension Programme is a dedicated programme of works for extending our water and wastewater networks to support strategic development areas that will bring about social and economic growth, including planned residential development, in areas with the greatest need.

Two Uisce Éireann workers working on a large blue pipe

What are the benefits of the works?

The benefits of these network improvement works include:

  • Improve the water network - This project will increase our capacity to deliver reliable, sustainable high-quality water services.
  • Supporting social and economic development - This project will improve help facilitate social and economic growth.
  • Provide a more resilient water supply - This project will improve the resilience of the water network in Tramore.

Will customers be affected by the works?

Areas of work will be limited to short sections to minimise impact on customers. Traffic management may be in place during this time however works are being undertaken in the roadside verge. Pedestrian access may be limited to one side of the road. Local and emergency traffic will always be maintained.

The works may involve some short-term water interruptions and the project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours' notice prior to any planned water interruptions.

We understand that this type of work can be inconvenient and works crews will make every effort to minimise any disruption these necessary works cause.

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