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Louth Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Wastewater Project

Upgrades to the wastewater treatment plants in Carlingford and Blackrock to improve the plants performance and ensure compliance.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Louth County Council, is upgrading the wastewater treatment plants in Carlingford and Blackrock Co. Louth. These improvement works are part of a €1.2 million investment to the northeast area, which will upgrade the aeration systems at the plants as part of the energy efficiency programme. 

This project will upgrade and modernise the aeration system at the treatment plants to a more energy efficient system, improve the plants performance and ensuring environmental compliance. Conway Engineering and Company Ltd is working on behalf of Uisce Éireann to deliver these projects, with the works scheduled to commence in the coming weeks.

two uisce eireann worker looking at plans to upgrade the sewers


  • Modernise and improve wastewater treatment processes at the plants
  • Improve energy efficiency at the plants
  • Reduce energy demand at the plants, therefore reduce carbon emissions
  • Ensure compliance with Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulations 2001


  • Upgrade the aeration system at the plants, installing a fixed fine bubble diffused aeration system to improve energy efficiency
  • Install associated brackets, blowers and pipe works and ancillary works
  • Works will be carried out within the footprint of the plants, therefore minimising traffic disruption to residents and businesses in the surrounding area

Uisce Éireann's commitment to energy efficiency

Uisce Éireann is implementing a sustainable energy strategy to improve our energy efficiency. These projects are part of Uisce Éireann's energy efficiency programme which upgrades, replaces and optimises inefficient plants and processes across the country to improve our energy efficiency.

To date, Uisce Éireann has made significant progress in making our plants and our business more energy efficient. By 2017, water services had achieved a 22.4% improvement in energy efficiency performance with a corresponding saving of over 51,000 tonnes of carbon.

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