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Kiltegan Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Works

Water Project

Uisce Éireann is proposing to upgrade the plant in Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow to benefit 269 customers.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Wicklow County Council, is proposing to upgrade the water treatment plant in Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow. This project will benefit the 269 customers supplied by the Kiltegan water treatment plant to ensure the delivery of a clean, safe drinking water source.

In July 2019, a temporary nitrate treatment system was installed at the plant due to the formation of elevated concentrations of nitrate above the drinking water standards. The proposed upgrade will install a permanent nitrate removal system at the plant to ensure continued compliance with the regulations.



  • Safe, clean drinking water for Kiltegan and surrounding areas
  • Safeguard the water supplies to this area
  • Improve water quality and water treatment standards
  • Ensure compliance with drinking water quality regulations

What is involved?

  1. Install permanent nitrate removal system and construct new kiosk to house this system
  2. This permanent upgrade will supplement and replace the temporary nitrate removal system that was recently installed
  3. Drill and install new water production well to 70 metres below ground level (m bgl)

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